Tuesday 14 June 2011

I just can't get enough. :)

Jeh and Jay's Funny Adventure

This made me happy. :)

Holiday Apart - The Jaycee and Jerome

Silhouette of the Past

I wish I could contain all my apprehensions and reflections into words that will mumble to your mind each time I write. I have dealt with downs, glooms and blues and yet I feel that I am fastened to them. They've taken a big part of myself that has been eating me, allowing them to hurt me even more. I couldn't let go, I cannot release. I don't want to forgive and I don't want to forget, I won't be at ease. I have been masked up for the longest time, trying to endure the things I could not lie. I have kept them all inside me and embraced all the torn of mishaps. I have faith but I wasn't too brave to rage about what I have been praying above. I am filled with guilt for trusting, I am mad what had happened. This anger inside me, I would never be free.

My Inspiration (Artwork of one of my Patient)